It is an important urban hub in the southern part of Yerevan. In the past it was also known as “Station Nearby Square”.
The construction of the Square launched in the 1930s. The Square that has a form plan of rectangle is completely located on the right southern side of Tigran Mets Avenue. The Square has a slight curve near railway station’s area and completely covers its western façade.
first large structure that was built at the corner of the Square and Artsakh
Avenue in 1940 was “Sasuntsi David” cinema building (architect: Anna
Ter-Avetikyan, currently demolished).
In entire complex of the Square a unique place is given to a majestic railway station building (1956, architect: Edmond Tigranyan) and the statue of Sasuntsi David perched on the centre of the Square (1959, sculptor: Yervand Kochar, architect: Mikayel Mazmanyan, Union Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) State Prize: 1967) that gives the complex a unique artistic charm and is considered one of the favorite statues of Yerevanian people. The square is completed by the railway labours’ club building (1965, architects: Sargis Gurzadyan, Makabe Manuelyan) and two residential buildings built by tuff from Artik.
Research Centre of Historical and Cultural Heritage” SNCO