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Early Middle Ages

State index:

The church is located about 40 m west of St. Gevorg Church in Noragavit.

It was probably destroyed in 1679 from a great earthquake. The lower two rows with a height of about 1.5 meters have been preserved.

The church is a one-nave hall structure with a rectangular plan, a semicircular altar in the east. It rises on a three-tiered stylobate. Two pairs of masonry pillars preserved inside the longitudinal walls suggest that there was a vault. The floor is tiled. The only entrance is from the south. The dimensions of the hall are: 7 x 6.3 meters. The walls are about 70 cm thick.

The church is constructed of black and pink polished tuff.

A thick wall with corner semi-circular towers was built in front of the western facade of the church for defensive reasons probably XI-XIII centuries. The space between the original and newly constructed walls of the church was reinforced with filling.

In the interior and the surroundings of the church, fragments of the pavement, as well as the parts of cross stones from the IX-XVI centuries, are preserved, one of which is inscribed in XVI-XVII centuries.

 “Scientific Research Center of Historical and Cultural of Heritage” SNCO

Yerevan Municipality
