Located in the first district of the Nor Nork administrative region, on Fridtjof Nansen Street.
main area of the garden is separated from Gay Avenue by the Suren Nazaryan
Square, where a monument to Gay (Hayk Bzhshkyants) is installed on a high
pedestal (equestrian statue, 1977, sculptor - Suren Nazaryan, architect -
Sargis Gurzadyan).
part of the events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Norwegian
polar explorer, scientist, diplomat, Nobel Prize laureate, High Commissioner
for Refugees in the League of Nations, and great friend of the Armenian people
Fridtjof Nansen, based on the statement dated 23.11.2011 by the chairman of the
Nansen Foundation, writer, and literary critic Felix Bakhchinyan, in 2011 the
Yerevan Municipality discussed the creation of a Nansen museum in the park of
the 1st district of Nor Nork. The proposal was approved.
2012, construction of the memorial complex began in the central part of the
garden with the laying of the foundation for the Fridtjof Nansen Museum
(architect - Albert Sokhikyan). Then, a small Church of St. Mary and a priest's
house were built nearby (architects - Albert and Artashes Sokhikyans, builder -
Yuri Avagyan). The construction was financed by Honored Doctors of the Republic
of Armenia Karlen and Sara Yesayans. The museum opening and church consecration
took place on October 12, 2014.
museum displays books, films, photographs, sculptures (by Levon Tokmajyan) and
other materials related to the life, scientific and humanitarian activities of
Fridtjof Nansen. A separate section is dedicated to the life and work of Karlen
and Sara Yesayan.
thirty sculptural samples (khachkar, sculpture, etc.) dedicated to the history
of the Armenian people, prominent Armenians, and friends of the Armenian people
are installed on the territory of the memorial complex. There are sculptures of
George Byron (2004, sculptor - Hayk Tokmajyan), Fridtjof Nansen (2011), “Nansen Passport”, “Journalist” and others.
the sculptures installed in the garden:
“Franz Werfel” - 2004, tuff, sculptor - Arsen
“Jangir-aga” - 2004, tuff, sculptors - Artik
and Andranik Kocharyan
“My Heart in the
Mountains” - 2004, tuff,
sculptor - Barseg Harutyunyan
“Angels” - 2022, tuff, sculptor - Aleksan
“Ararat” - 2022, sculptor - Levon
Ryzhkov" - 2004, sculptor - Levon Tokmajyan
“Support” - 2022, sculptor - Aleksan
Babayan and others.
area occupied by the park is 56,644.31 square meters, and it is well-maintained
and cared for.
“Scientific Research Centre of Historical and Cultural Heritage” SNCO
Yerevan Municipality