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Мonument to the victims of the genocide of the Armenian and Jewish peoples

Sculptor: Ruben Arutchyan

Material: Basalt, bronze

Year: 2006

The monument includes two basalt columns, which symbolize the similarity of the fates of the two ancient nations, the Armenians and the Jews. The columns are two triangular prisms, the parts of which are placed on top of each other to create the image of a hexagonal star. It is written in Armenian on the monument. "LIVE NOT TO FORGET. IN MEMORY OF THE GENOCIDE VICTIMS OF ARMENIAN AND JEWISH PEOPLE. " It is written in Hebrew: "להיות או לשכוח לזכר קורבנות" (TO BE OR TO FORGET: In memory of the victims of the Holocaust). The unfinished head of the monument symbolizes the idea of ​​interrupted, ruined lives.

A bronze candle is placed in the center of the work, which will illuminate the monument in the evening, reminding people that neither the Holocaust nor the Genocide should be repeated in the future.

Circular park, Teryan-Moskovyan str.