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During the excavations of Arin Berd hill in 1950, the cuneiform inscription of King Argishti I of the Kingdom of Van was discovered, according to which Argishti I founded the fortress city of Erebuni in BC in the year 782.

A cuneiform inscription says: "Argishti, the son of Menua, the great Khald, built this impregnable fortress and named it the city of Erebuni, in the strength of the terrible enemies of the land of Biyana. Argishti says։ The land was deserted, here I did great things. By the greatness of the Khald god Argishti, the son of Menua, the mighty king, the king of the land of Biyana, the lord of the city of Tushpa".



On May 10, Yerevan 2800th Anniversary Park was opened. The park is a gift from Mikayel and Karen Vardanyan on the 2800th anniversary of the foundation of Yerevan city.


Еrivan Khanate ruler Huseyn Ali Khan, erected the town's largest mosque, Geok Jami (Blue Mosque). At the beginning of the 20th century, it was one of seven functioning mosques in Erivan. Restoration of the mosque in 1996-1999 was financed by Iran.