''Paper Mines'' Kamo Nigarian
The National Gallery of Armenia is proud to present the first retrospective exhibition of poster art by
one of the eminent figures of Armenian contemporary art and design, Kamo Nigarian (1950-2011).
Organized by Tech Degh Theatre, in collaboration with the Goethe Centre in Yerevan, the exhibition
“Paper Mines” gives a complete overview of Nigarian's development as a #poster_designer between
the 1970s and 2000s. Tackling political, theatrical, exhibitionary and film topics, Nigarian went far
beyond the illustrative and didactic approaches that typified attitudes to posters in the USSR and
Armenia. Under the influence of 1960s Polish, Cuban and East-German graphic art, the artist melded
expressionist, surrealist and minimalist styles with highly conceptual uses of typography, in order to
create a stylistically distinct vision of 'critical' poster art.
Entrance is from Aram street
1 Arami Str.
+37410 580 812