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National Centre of Chamber Music after Komitas

Since 2011 National Centre of Chamber Music organize promotion of performing art of chamber music. It communicates community with national and worldwide classical and modern musical works.

The Chamber Music Hall is located in Circle park in the building built by architect St. Kyurkchyan in 1977. The Chamber Music Hall is a unique building. It is built in "free plan" principle: the hall, the stage, the foyer have no boundaries and create an atmosphere of inside completeness. The artistic solution of the building is in harmony with the architecture of the park. Armenian and international concerts, festivals have taken place here. 

The organ of the Komitas Chamber Music Center is the unique one of its kind on the territory of the former Soviet Union, due to which organ concerts are still held here.

1 A. Isahakyan street
+37410 526 780, +37410 586 046