V-XX centuries
State index: 1.2.6
The cemetery is located in the district, in the area
bordered by Marshal Khudyakov, Shahinyan, Vakhtangov, Malyan Streets. It is divided into large and
small sections by the highway.
In the large (right-hand) part of the cemetery, on the higher part, carved
cross-stones (Arm. խաչքար [khachkar]), numerous
fragments of cross-stones, pedestals, tombstones with rectangular,
cradle-shaped and pitched tops, paved tombs have been preserved
since IX-XVII centuries. The cross stones are particularly notable for their
refined craftsmanship and elegant design (cross stones of Sargis: 1204,
Mulkanshah and Vartsel: XV century, Kherkhatun: 1466, Nekamat Agha: 1507,
Azaria: 1590, Hapipsultan: XVI century, etc.). Some of the tombstones are
inscribed or sculptured, decorated with domestic scenes, crosses and outline
images of the dead (Amirgul: 1462, provincial priest Melikset: 1581, Azaria:
XVI century, Martiros: XVI-XVII
centuries, Khaspush: 1610, priest Ignatios in the XVII century, Gulamir: 1653, Markos: 1799, etc.).
One of the cross stones (XVI century) was made by the medieval master
stonemason Gurgen, and another tombstone with a domestic scene and a coded
inscription was made by stonemason Melikset in the XVI century. This code (the phenomenon is also known with the term
cryptography) inscription is the second of the two
known code inscriptions in the territory of Yerevan (the first one was found in
the Avan Cathedral).
The western and southern parts of the cemetery are mainly
occupied by the funerals of XIX-XX centuries. In the northern part, there is a monument erected in
1976 made of black and red tuff, commemorating the residents of Avan who lost
their lives during the Second World War. (architect: St. Kyurkchyan, sculptor:
E. Vardanyan).
A small part of the cemetery with an octagonal monument
(V-VI centuries) and with several cross stone-tombstones remained on the left
side of the asphalted road.
In 1968 improvement works were carried out in this area.
The cemetery is operating. The historical part is being destroyed by nowadays burials.
“Scientific Research Center of Historical and Cultural Heritage” SNCO
Yerevan Municipality