STATUE OF JULES BASTIEN-LEPAGE (Monument to Armenian-French Friendship)
Sculptor Auguste Rodin
Installed in Yerevan in 2011
The statue of the 19th-century French painter, representative of the naturalistic movement Jules Bastien-Lepage (1848-1884) is installed on France Square, located at the intersection of Mashtots, Marshal Baghramyan and Sayat-Nova avenues, on the lawn. It was created by the famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin in 1887.
The statue was originally installed in France, in the town of Damvillers
in the Lorraine region, in the courtyard of the church in the artist's
hometown. The President of France Nicolas Sarkozy gifted it to Armenia during
his visit to Yerevan in 2011 as a sign of Armenian-French friendship and on the
occasion of the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of
Armenia. The official unveiling took place on October 7, 2011.
The bronze statue of Bastien-Lepage is installed on a felsite pedestal.
The artist is depicted in a standing position, with legs wide apart, a palette
in his left hand and a brush in his right. The front side of the pedestal is
inscribed in Armenian and French:
The back of the pedestal is inscribed: BY MUSEE RODIN, 1903:
The area around the monument is landscaped and greened.
“Scientific Research Centre of Historical and Cultural Heritage” SNCO
Yerevan Municipality