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The author of the emblem is Albert Sokhikyan.

On September 27th 2004 at the meeting of Yerevan Council certain changes were made in the decision of Yerevan City Council N 1/8-2 dated April 26 1995: the description of the emblem of Yerevan was changed.
In accordance with the 10th article of the RA law “On local self-government” and the Aldermen Council decision N 85-N “On symbols of Yerevan” dated 12.04.2010, the emblem has the following description: there is a lion depicted on the pedestal with the inscription "Yerevan" made with bronze Armenian initials on the blue background, with its head turned back and holding a scepter, which is the attribute of power. There is a crown depicted over his head with a flower rising from its center and symbolizing the tree of life. The symbol of eternity is on the breast of the lion with a picture of the mountain Ararat in its upper part.
The emblem has a form of a rectangular shield with the blue border line. Apricot and bronze colors are used in the emblem.



The co-authors of the flag are Karapet Abrahamyan and Karapet Pashyan.


The territory of Yerevan is 233 km², the population is 1068 thousand people.